News & Events

Lawyers require more client information under new anti-money laundering laws
Changes to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (AML Act) come into force on 1 July 2018.  The changes have been put in place to...
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Responsibility for a breach of visa conditions falls both on the visa holder and the employer
Most employers will be aware of the importance of checking the visa of a...
Volunteer associations to be excluded from Health and Safety at Work Act duties
A new Bill has been introduced to the House that intends to amend the...
Optional, unpaid, pre-work meetings no more
The Labour Inspectorate’s spotlight is clearly still on minimum entitlements with retail chain Smith...
I’m going into business with my brother/sister/friend/partner. What do I need to know?
You and your potential business partner have come up with a fantastic and unique...
Terms and conditions – I’m sure no one reads them, so why would I need them?
Whether you’re setting up a business, undergoing a restructure or simply reviewing your business...
Terminating on medical grounds is a tricky decision
Deciding whether to terminate employment based on medical grounds can be a difficult decision...
Better work stories
Employment lawyers sometimes get asked whether someone can be fired for “being a bit...
Government priorities update – spotlight on employer accreditation policy and labour market checks
The Immigration Minister, Iain Lees-Galloway, has warned that some immigration policies, specifically in relation...
Congratulations Claire Evans – Winner in the Emerging Leader category of the Women in Governance Awards
Claire Evans walked away with the Emerging Leader gong at the Women in Governance...
Legal personhood for nature has legal ramifications
Background Ecuador and Bolivia were among the first to set the platform for the...
Privacy Bill 2018 – key changes
In this article we discuss the new Privacy Bill that was introduced to Parliament...
Fair Trading (Oppressive Contracts) Amendment Bill
A private members’ Bill proposing to redress the power imbalance inherent in ‘standard form’...
Criminalisation of cartel conduct back on the cards
Imprisonment for deliberate contraventions of the Commerce Act 1986 is back on the political...
Prohibition on ‘cartel conduct’ comes into full force on 15 May 2018
In August 2017, significant amendments to the Commerce Act 1989 were passed into law...
Balance vs agility – and how to achieve it
The word on the street is that there is a new buzz word hanging...
Ex-employee penalised $1000 for Facebook post
Cambridge Analytica and Mark Zuckerberg aren’t the only ones who have recently been in...
Mycoplasma bovis outbreak – compensation for farmers
On 26 March 2018 the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) announced that all cattle...
Think before you (Privacy) Act
We have seen an increase in employee privacy related claims and complaints, and employers...
Lane Neave Charity Golf Day 2018 – over 38k raised!
We are thrilled to say that our 2018 Charity Golf Day has raised over 38k for...